“…bad things happen in Philadelphia. Bad things.”
– Donald Trump during the first presidential debate, September 29, 2020
I-76. Just the whole thing. Not worth it.
Eagles fan eating horse shit because they’re extremely happy.
A guy throwing up on me on the El.
Those boxy, overprice condos that look like thumb drives.
PPA graciously towing my car for construction of boxy, overpriced condos and forgetting where they put it.
Lew Blum Towing Company. (215) 222-5628
My neighbor taking the car seat out of his car so he could have sex with a woman in the backseat during the day and getting arrested.
A stranger trying to arm wrestle me on a bridge in the Wissahickon. (I let him win the first time.)
Pat’s and Geno’s not having a bathroom.
I still have Cheese Whiz on my hands.
For when all of us write something or we’re too cowardly to put a name on an article. Hey, we’d like to be employed by whatever soulless corporation did a Google search to make sure we’re not a moron! Now you won’t know which one of us is the moron and you have to hire whoever applied!