Chocolate Archives - The Philadelphia Satirer Committed to dispensable journalism Tue, 10 Nov 2020 00:47:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Chocolate Archives - The Philadelphia Satirer 32 32 Study Confirms Chocolate Labs Best Tasting Dogs Tue, 10 Nov 2020 00:47:44 +0000 PHILADELPHIA- A double-blind taste test conducted at The Kennel Club of Philadelphia’s National Dog Show last November has revealed that Chocolate Labs have remained the…

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Photoshop by Mike Paulshock

PHILADELPHIA- A double-blind taste test conducted at The Kennel Club of Philadelphia’s National Dog Show last November has revealed that Chocolate Labs have remained the Nation’s best tasting dog for the twenty-sixth year in a row. “I don’t know what it is about them but their taste is sublime. The first year I tasted them in 1993 I knew that nothing could ever top them and I had to give my life over to them,” gushed Chocolate Lab breeder and connoisseur Alan Kibblesmith. The taste of Chocolate Labs is inexplicable because their flavor is so much more delicious than their differently colored littermates who share matching DNA. “Some dogs smell delicious like Fritos but those aren’t the best tasting dogs,” he explains. “A great-tasting dog might not smell the best but when those earthy smokey notes hit your tastebuds, you know that you have a quality Chocolate Lab in your mouth.” At press time, a shocked Kibblesmith issued the following statement: “Chocolate Labs in no way taste like Chocolate. To think they would is shocking and upsetting. They taste so much better because they taste like dogs.”

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